Reliable Ground Covers for Warm Climates

Transform your lawn with drought-tolerant clump plants and watch your maintenance efforts go down while they grow easily. Gardening in warm regions presents its own set of challenges, including hot summers, dry shade, heavy rain, drought and soils that range from pure sand to impenetrable clay and soggy mud. But believe it or not, no […]
What are your spring gardening plans?

Tearing up the lawn? Do you plant edible plants? Are you starting from scratch? Let us know what you plan to change in your garden this year When spring comes, there’s nothing we want to do more than go outside. As temperatures rise and days lengthen, reminders of renewal and rebirth are everywhere, from elaborate […]
How to Work with a Landscaping Professional

Lush lawns and gardens don’t happen on their own. Here’s how to work with a landscaping professional to ensure a smooth process and satisfactory results. Even if you can decorate your living space or decorate your bedroom with the best materials, landscape design presents unique challenges that can be frustrating. Not only does it require […]
DIY Pathway puts your landscape on the right path

With this easy and inexpensive gravel driveway, you can create more foot traffic in your backyard and protect your lawn from foot traffic. Another home improvement project, another surprise. It seems like there’s a surprise waiting for us in every nook and cranny, under the boards and behind the walls, in the small mechanic in […]
Natural ways to get rid of weeds in your garden

Use these techniques to prevent the spread of weeds and learn about your soil. The garden comes alive in spring. The same goes for weeds, which can be detrimental to a gardener’s existence. Weed management efforts can be more effective if we understand what role weeds play in our ecosystem rather than launching an all-out […]
Prepare your early spring garden for the season

Learn how to save your plants, when to prune damaged branches, when to mulch, and more. As the first day of spring approaches, many of us are eager to jump into the new season. There may still be snow where you live. In this case, save this list for future use. However, gardeners in many […]
How to Maintain Your Garden to Ensure Long-Term Health

Our experts discuss how to keep your plants growing well and your garden looking good for years to come. An existing garden that has been maintained for more than three years requires different care than a newly planted landscape. Your lawn may need to be replanted, trees may need to be pruned, and nutrients may […]
Start Garden Planning Early, Even If It Snows

Reviewing what you grew last year will help you when you go out. Winter gardening advice always involves looking through gardening catalogs and deciding what plants you want to grow next year. That’s a good start, but what about taking it one step further? Winter is a good time to review what worked and what didn’t […]
Little Gem Lawn: Less grass and more effect

Instead of leaving your lawn wide open, why not add a stylish design element to your yard? You can enjoy both practicality and aesthetics. The backyard lawn is often the background music to the garden and an understated foil for flower borders, trees and shrubs. But today, people are rethinking the idea of wall-to-wall, […]
How to Prepare a Healthy New Lawn

Seeds or grass that fall on weedy, uneven ground are a wasted effort. Follow these steps to ensure your new lawn thrives. Although low-maintenance lawn alternatives are becoming increasingly popular, manyhomeowners still like a bit of turf grass. The lawn is a great place for entertaining. Children can play and pets can run around. But what […]