The changing seasons are a time loved by many and feared by others. The trees’ lush green leaves  are at their peak. What happens next? 

To avoid ugly surprises and stand out as a good homeowner, you need to take proper steps to care  for your trees in the fall. From the moment the first leaf falls until the last frost, tree experts recommend certain steps to help your tree get through the fall transition. 

Read expert advice on how to prepare your trees for fall. 


Trimming defective branches before the leaves fall will help your tree stay healthy for longer when  done correctly. It also reduces the number of leaves that can clog gutters and drains and leaves  fewer leaves on the ground, reducing the risk of fire. 

Pest and disease identification 

When trees are damaged or stressed due to weather or other factors, pathogens can take advantage  of this situation. Trees may become more susceptible to insects and diseases that cannot be seen  with the naked eye. 

Add mulch and fertilizer

Trees love mulch. It helps retain water in the soil and reduces weed growth. 

However, if you add mulch, do not place it around the base of the tree. Tree roots may rot and die.  Instead, place mulch around the edges of the tree first to prevent weed growth and erosion. 

If you’re wondering when to fertilize your trees, the beginning of fall is a good time. Once the  leaves start to fall, the tree isn’t absorbing as many nutrients from the soil, so it’s the perfect time  to re-nourish the ground. 

Mulch and fertilizer provide an easy way to improve the aesthetics of your landscaping. Don’t neglect tree care even in the fall. 

Now that we’ve looked at some of the most important ways to prepare your trees for fall, you’ll be  ready to tackle whatever comes your way. 

With a little preparation, your trees can overcome the stressors of fall and prepare for the warmer  months when Mother Nature restarts the fall process. 

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RDK Landscaping – For more inspiration, visit our site. 

Experts in tree removal, stump  demolition, stump removal, tree trimming, tree mulching, tree pruning and emergency tree removal  in Buffalo, NY! 

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